It all started with an egg that hatched on a misty morning. A little stegosaurus popped out of it and began life among the herd. He learned to feed himself, to live among his own, but also... to flee from predators!
ISBN : 978-2-924848-01-2
Mist the Little Stegosaurus
Text by Mario Chabot
Translation by Sophie Auclair
Illustrations by Mylène Mondou

Mist and Rain in the Lost Valley
Text by Mario Chabot
Translation by Sophie Auclair
Illustrations by Mylène Mondou
Mist and Rain live amongst a herd consisting of several species. Days go by, quiet and pleasant. But Rain’s curiosity will lead them to discover a strange valley. They will meet nice creatures quite different from themselves… and some fearsome predators.
ISBN: 978-2-924848-10-4

The Tale of Arthur and His
Baby Teeth
Text by Cynthia Lisa Dubé
Translation by Sophie Auclair
Illustrations by Marie-Eve Pharand
Arthur witnesses his friends losing their teeth. He does not understand how come it is different with him. His whole family will lend a helping hand when finally one of his teeth is loose and wobbly. But it will be no easy task!
ISBN : 978-2-924848-03-6

The Little Boy Who Liked War Games Too Much
Text by Mario Chabot
Translation by Sophie Auclair
Illustrations by Kim O'Connor
Damien is a little boy who enjoys playing video games, especially war and combat games. He loves to provoke explosions. He sees himself reenacting the achievements of his father, who is a soldier and whom he admires. But when his hero will come back from the real war, Damien will see his video games with a different eye.
ISBN: 978-2-924848-05-0

Dr. Maude
Text by Cynthia Lisa Dubé
Translation by Sophie Auclair
Illustrations by Marie-Hélène St-Michel
Maude Abbott cherishes the dream of going to university. She even wants to become a doctor. But a 19th century woman has no place in that world of men. Equipped with an exceptional intelligence, and through perseverance and hard work, Maude will take her place to become one of the first women physicians in Quebec. She will even come to enjoy a worldwide reputation in cardiology, despite constraints and opposition. The novel is written for a public of 10 years and older.
The EPUB version includes 13 videos providing additional information and showing the original pictures on which were based the illustrations.
ISBN: 978-2-924848-07-4; 978-2-924848-18-0 (EPUB); 978-2-924848-50-0 (Audiobook)